Monday, October 19, 2020

International School Library Day-

     International School Library Day will be held on 20 October 2020, and is about promoting all the ways that school libraries add to their communities.

International School Library Day 2020 ideas

The below suggestions can be held as either physical or virtual events.

  • Host a reading party.
  • You know who your local talent is, you could invite in a local author to do a virtual or physical talk on their books.
  • Dress up for the day, and encourage your co-workers to join in. Go one step further and run a costume competition.
  • Host a special storytime event on the day.
  • Set up a recommendations list where students can recommend books to other library users.
  • Host a trivia night themed around books and media and add in some questions specific to your library. 
  • Encourage your library users to design the library of their dreams and/or the library of the future.
  • Ask your library users to draw what your library looks like from memory, award prizes for the most accurate map.
  • Encourage your library users to make a short video about what the library means to them.
  • Run a story writing competition themed around your library.

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